Part of Renault Group’s strategy to optimize its industrial footprint, Oyak Renault signed a 5-year partnership agreement with Turkey’s multi-brand vehicle manufacturer Karsan to produce the current Megane Sedan model by the end of 2022. “We’ll contribute to the national economy with this agreement and bring a different approach to the sector,” said Dr. Antoine Aoun, General Manager of Oyak Renault. The project aims to integrate new generation vehicles into the capacity of Oyak Renault’s production plant by transferring Megane Sedan’s manufacturing to Karsan. “We are excited to assume production responsibility for the Renault Megane Sedan,” said Okan Bas, CEO of Karsan. Karsan will manufacture and assemble the vehicles, while Oyak Renault will maintain production activities of body components. Oyak Renault will also inspect the final quality of finished vehicles and be responsible for relations with auto parts suppliers. The deal envisions Megane Sedan being manufactured by Karsan for five years. The production volume is estimated to be 55,000 units per year.