At the online food delivery platform Yemeksepeti, 50% of the office employees are women. The company is set to increase the number of female employees in field and store roles. With its goal to increase female employment, Yemeksepeti highlights the importance of female employment on March 8, International Women’s Day.
Among the 12 departments under Yemeksepeti, the department with the highest number of female employees is Human Resources, with 87% of the department being women. Following the HR department, the departments with the highest number of female employees are legal, finance and marketing, with the percentage of female employees being 78%, 65% and 56%, respectively.
46 women in management
Yemeksepeti aims to increase the employment rate of young women as well. Yemeksepeti, whose female employees’ mean age is 26, is making recruitments to increase female employment. The management staff of Yemeksepeti contains 46 female managers of which 4 are C-level, 3 are Directors, 22 are Upper Management, 4 are Senior Managers and 13 are Managers.
Yemeksepeti employs women in field and store duties to challenge the view that these duties can only be performed by men. Yemeksepeti will continue to give training and awareness campaigns in order to increase the number of female employees in these areas.