The streets are full of people who walk around the shelves of the supermarket with their cell phones in their hands and say, “Those are made in Israel, don’t buy them” or “Those brands support Israel, don’t use them” as if they are protesting what is happening in Gaza…
Is that all; some think that they are protesting against Israel by intervening physically against a citizen who is sitting somewhere drinking his coffee or eating his hamburger…
Some spill the cola they bought and reveal the gems of intelligence in them…
Worse, even on the day of the martyrdom of a Turkish soldier, there is a group of people who don’t think or feel the need to say a word about it, but they don’t forget to demonstrate for Palestine.
It would be impossible not to protest Israel at the highest level by making statement after statement, and this is not lacking either.
So how do you think the Turkey-Israel trade is going while all these “activities” are being carried out?
Relatively the highest imports
The Turkish Statistical Institute recently announced the foreign trade figures for November. We went to TurkStat’s website and analyzed the situation of Turkey-Israel trade in November from the publicly available data, in detail…
Turkey has a surplus in its trade with Israel. Therefore, we reversed the export/import balance and looked at the import/export balance.
Hold on tight; the highest monthly rate of last year (imports/exports) occurred in November!
In other words, we made relatively the highest imports from Israel in November.
On the one hand, let’s rant and rave against Israel, from politicians to citizens on the streets, and on the other hand, let’s import the highest amount of goods from Israel at the height of the war!
Isn’t it a nice protest(!)?
In November, we exported 301 million dollars to Israel and imported 128 million dollars. The ratio of imports to exports is 42.4 percent.
However, according to last year’s eleven-month data, the 40 percent limit was not exceeded in any other month, and the average of the eleven months was 32 percent.
In November, the war intensified and our imports peaked as a ratio…
Protesters, where are you?
Those who are sleuthing on the supermarket shelves…
Those who march in support of Palestine or under this pretext…
Here’s your material!
What better protest material, what better reason to protest?
Turkey imported 128 million dollars worth of goods from Israel in November.
Look, imports in October were 80 million dollars, but in November they increased by 60 percent.
Why did we increase imports from Israel by 60 percent in the month when the war was at its fiercest?
If you want to question, question this; if you want to protest, protest this first!
What is the point of protesting after these goods arrive in Turkey?
But if you say, “Most of those goods are not final products that we can find in the market, that we can see being used in cafés and restaurants and protest, those goods are intermediate goods and investment goods,” if you are at the level of knowledge (or consciousness) to say that, so much the better! Cut imports of intermediate goods and investment goods at source! Don’t bother with coffee and easy! They are peanuts compared to these imports.
But no, you can’t do that!
You cannot afford such a large-scale protest!
It’s easy to shout “Down with Israel”.
It is easy to take to the streets under the pretext of protesting against Israel.
It is easy to attack young people drinking coffee.
Come on, make a protest to stop this trade, or at least to prevent it from increasing!
Come on!