After somehow managing to remain below deposit interest rates over the last week of 2020, auto loan interest rate increased by nearly five points, vaulting above 20% last week, according to the Central Bank. Commercial loan rates exceeded 20% and consumer loan rates surpassed 23%. Interest rates for TRY deposits fell by 74 basis points to 16.22% in the week of January 8, compared to the previous week. The USD deposit interest rate fell by 14 basis points to 1.53% and the EUR deposit interest declined by two base points to 0.76%. Accordingly, deposit interest, unlike loan interest, dropped. The interest rate of TRY-based commercial loans increased by 130 basis points to 20.9% in the week of January 8, to the previous week. While the interest rate of TRY based housing loans stood at 18.61%, auto loan interest increased by 493 basis points to 20.37% and consumer loan interest rose by 21 basis points to 23.09%.